Tips For Driving In The Rain

Spring and summer weather is here. With the sunny days ahead, we must also remember the rainy season. More specifically, as drivers, it’s important to remember best practices for driving in the rain. At Pizano Insurance, we would like to help drivers like the ones in Wayzata, MN stay safe on the road in the coming weeks. Here are a few tips to remember if you’re driving in the rain.

Slow Down

As the roads get more slippery, it makes sense to slow down. Many accidents happen on highways because other people are driving too fast. It may be hard to stop when braking the vehicle in the rain. Therefore, it’s important to slow down and give yourself more time to react if there is an accident ahead.

Use Your Lights

Always remember to turn your headlights on when it starts raining or even on a cloudy day. Visibility is a significant factor in accidents when you’re driving. If it starts to downpour, pull over to the side of the highway and consider turning on your emergency lights. Other vehicles can also see you if they decide to go on the shoulder.

Don’t Panic

If your car does start to hydroplane, don’t panic. One common mistake is to slam on your brakes immediately. This will only make the car slide out of control. Instead, steer in the direction you want the car to go and gradually use your brakes. When in doubt, don’t attempt to drive in poor conditions and wait if possible.

Conact Pizano Insurance

We provide cities like Wayzata, MN with comprehensive auto insurance policies. Do you need an estimate for an insurance policy for your vehicle? Don’t hesitate to contact us today. In the meantime, stay safe on the rainy roads this season. 

Do You Have Termites?

As a homeowner, few pests are more feared than termites. This particular insect can cause damage to your home and eventually cost you a lot of money. Here at Pizano Insurance, serving Wayzata, MN, and the surrounding areas, we want to help clients learn better ways to protect their homes. Keep reading to learn more about termites. 

Termites In The Area

One of the first signs will be flying swarms of termites in the area around your home or even in your neighborhood. Do some research so that you know how to identify swarming termites properly. They are often seen coming out of the soil or out of wood. Termites in your area immediately put your home at risk. 

Damaged Wood 

If termites have already started infesting your home, you will notice damaged wood. This will often happen first in exterior locations such as decks and porches. Even if you begin to notice damage, you still have time to deal with the infestation. However, keep in mind that you need to act quickly when it comes to termites. Termite colonies multiply quickly, especially when they have found an excellent place to nest and feed. 


It would be best to have your home inspected for termites once a year to avoid an infestation. If an infestation has already started, you need to contact a professional pest control expert immediately to have your home inspected and treated. A termite infestation can be controlled in most cases, but you must not waste time. 

If you would like to learn about home insurance or any of our other insurance products, please contact us at Pizano Insurance, serving Wayzata, MN, and the surrounding areas. We will be happy to answer your questions.