What is Home Depreciation and How Can it Impact You?

Home depreciation is something that happens as a home ages. What this means is that over time, your home will start to lose some value if you do not make any upgrades or changes to the home. If it is left as is with no changes, there will be newer homes available on the market that have better features and will be worth more money as well. Your home starts to lose value when things break, are outdated, and more. This is an important factor in your home insurance policy and Pizano Insurance serving Wayzata, MN can help. 

Over time, your home will start to depreciate and it does not happen overnight. There are some other factors that can play a small role as well including the economy but it may not play as big of a role as many claim. You will want to make sure that your home insurance policy reflects depreciation and that you are not overpaying if your home as lost value. To ensure you are not paying too much, you will want to get your home assessed for depreciation. 

You do not want to get your home assessed simply for the purpose of potentially lowering your insurance premiums because this can lead to other problems for you later on. However, if you do want to have your home evaluated, you can do so through an easy process. You will need to get in touch with an appraiser or home assessor to come perform the task for you. It is best to have one come through your insurance agency. This process will help you determine the current value of your home and how much it will cost you to rebuild. They will then give this information to your insurance company.  Contact Pizano Insurance serving Wayzata, MN today to learn more.  

End of Summer is a Perfect Time for Car Care

As summer time ends and your summer activities are finished, it’s the perfect time to care for your car before winter arrives in the Wayzata, MN area. An untimely breakdown is never convenient, but during the cold weather, it can be dangerous. Now is the perfect time to review your vehicle’s owner’s manual to see if there are any manufacturer’s recommended schedules for service that need your attention. Beyond the recommendations, here are a few other items to consider.

  • Is it time for an oil change? Most recommend every 3,000 miles if the majority of your miles are stop-and-go short trips.
  • How’s the engine running? If you’re experiencing rough idling, stalling, less power, or a noticeable decrease in fuel economy, these issues can increase in cold weather.
  • Are there driveability issues? Are you experiencing hard stops, pulling to one side while stopping or driving, or if you hear noises when you’re driving, turning, or stopping that is new, then it’s time to have them checked.
  • It could be time to have the cooling system flushed and the belts, clamps, and hoses checked.
  • Depending on weather conditions where you live, your battery may need to be replaced or the fluid checked. Those in extreme temperature areas may need to replace their batteries more frequently and add water regularly.
  • Inspect your vehicle’s lights to make sure all are in working order.
  • Have the exhaust system checked for leaks.
  • Visually check your tires for uneven wear, tread, cracks in the sidewalls, and tire air pressure.

Pizano Insurance

At Pizano Insurance, we care about helping you protect your world. No matter what your insurance needs are, we provide insurance for those in the Wayzata, MN area. Contact us today to explore your auto insurance needs.

Factors to Consider When Selecting an Insurance Policy for Your Motorcycle

Owning a motorcycle is the easiest and most convenient way to move around Wayzata, MN. However, it can be disappointing when the two-wheeler causes property or bodily injuries to people, forcing you to pay huge bills to the parties affected by the accident. In this event, motorcycle insurance policy comes in handy to help in settling costs associated with riding damage or injury. Even Wayzata law clearly states that an insurance policy is necessary for any motorbike owner. This is why you need to head to Pizano Insurance and get an insurance policy for your motorcycle. Do you understand how to choose a policy for your bike? Here are the top considerations for selecting motorcycle insurance policy.

Cost of Premiums

This is the most important factor to consider when shopping for motorcycle insurance in Wayzata, MN. Premiums charged on each policy are different; therefore, for you to make a solid decision about the suitable policy, it is important to look at the benefits accruable from every policy and the respective cost of premiums. Ideally, choose a policy with cheaper premiums but carries more benefits such as discounts and bonuses.    

 Compare Different Policies

There is a variety of policies offered by Pizano Insurance. Each policy has different features and benefits. Taking a closer look at every policy will help you determine the type of policy that suits your motorbike. In-depth analysis of policies will also be beneficial in understanding the exclusions of each policy, giving you a chance to make decisions that are more informed.


The most appropriate way to reduce your premium rates is to look out for a policy that comes with discounts. Discounts can range from multi-bike discounts to experienced riders discounts among others.

With these tips, finding an appropriate bike cover will not be challenging any more. Consult Pizano Insurance for a trouble free experience.


Don’t Get Left Out in the Rain Without Umbrella Insurance!

Isn’t it awful when you get caught in the rain without an umbrella? When you get caught with an inadequate level of insurance coverage, it’s much worse than getting caught in the rain without a cover. You can protect yourself by having an umbrella insurance policy from Pizano Insurance, serving Wayzata, MN and the surrounding area. 

1. Protects Your Home

If you should happen to get sued for the amount of money not covered by your standard auto or homeowner’s policy, you could find yourself in a situation where you would have to sell your home to make up for the costs. What you worked so hard could be gone if you don’t have an umbrella policy.  

2. Protects Your Family

Your family relies on you to provide for them. They feel protected knowing you’re taking care of the bills, so they’re comfortable and safe in their own home. However, if you don’t purchase an umbrella policy, they could discover you didn’t think of one aspect. You could let your family down in the event something happens that exceeds the amount of insurance you have on your standard policies.  

3. Gives You Peace of Mind

You might always worry about something huge happening that’s going to cause serious financial consequences for your family. You might plan ahead by saving money, but if the incident that happens is more than you can pay, you could still find yourself being unable to meet your financial obligations. With an umbrella policy, you can have a peace of mind, knowing you have extra insurance that covers what you standard policies don’t. 

Contact Pizano Insurance, serving Wayzata, MN and the surrounding area, to get a quote for an umbrella policy, so you’re never caught in the rain. We’re available by calling 763-244-3320. 

Harbor Dredging Damaged My Boat! What to Do?

Anyone who has spent time in Minneapolis and Wayzata, MN knows the local lakes are a regular hangout, particular for those with boats. However, even well-kept harbors eventually have to be cleared and dredged, a fact that eventually every boat owner is affected by when their harbor is next. Smaller boats are easy to deal with; they are just pulled out after use and put on a trailer. However, larger vessels have to remain in their harbor, and dredging can be a bit of a dramatic event.

While most Wayzata, MN dredging operations are handled professionally and are completed without issue, a sloppy event can be a big problem, according to Pizano Insurance. And boaters may not know the problem will damage their boat until the dredging is complete and the boater tries to move his vessel. Then the damage occurs as the vessel hits soil material under water that wasn’t cleared properly. Ideally, a dredging operation takes the underwater soil dug up and removes it to a barge which then relocates the mud to a farther away location out of the path of boats. However, if a dredger doesn’t account for material being deposited on the sides of the trenching, it can create a lipping effect that boats could hit, especially when tide is low. And that can mean serious damage if the material includes large rocks.

If a boat is damaged, ideally the dredging company can be identified and has a policy in place for damage it causes. The harbor could be held responsible as well for employing the dredger. However, what many boaters find is that their boat insurance policy oftentimes covers such damage that was no fault of their own, and then the insurance company seeks a claim against those responsible. What is needed, however, is a clear linkage that the damage was caused by dredging, and that could require examination of the boat and damaging material. To find out more call Pizano Insurance to understand how a claim process would work.

Is Your Business Safe from Theft and Vandalism?

As a small business owner, it’s your responsibility to keep your enterprise safe from theft and vandalism. Acquiring a business owner’s insurance policy from Pizano Insurance, Wayzata, MN is the first step toward protecting your investment. Here are a few other measures you can take to reduce the risk of theft and damage to your goods or property.

Upgrade Security Measures in Wayzata, MN

Upgrade security measures on your business property to discourage thieves and trespassers from targeting your establishment. This could include installing security lights to protect your property at night or a burglar alarm system and security cameras. Make sure you advertise that your property is protected by an alarm system to deter criminal activity. Upgrading your security will minimize the risk of crime on your business property and protect your assets. Security upgrades may also qualify you for a discount on your business insurance premium.

Secure Important Documents

Secure important documents such as financial statements, tax records, employee records, etc., in a safe location. Paper files that are essential to your business should be stored in secure filing cabinets or business safe. Digital records should be protected by secure passwords and anti-virus software. The sensitive financial material should be handled by trustworthy employees to avoid the risk of internal theft or fraud.  

Establish a “Business Watch” in Your Area  

Get acquainted with small business owners in your area and establish an agreement to watch out for one another and help prevent crime. Encourage your employees to keep an eye out for suspicious behavior in or around the area and to report criminal activity immediately to local police. A collective effort amongst local businesses will be much more effective in deterring crime.  

For greater insight into how to protect your business interests, contact Pizano Insurance, Wayzata, MN.  

Minimum Auto Insurance Requirements in the State of Minnesota

Like many states, Minnesota requires every driver to insure their vehicles, and they must have at least the following coverage:

•    No-fault insurance
•    Liability insurance
•    Uninsured motorist insurance

Every type of coverage must meet the state required minimum, and they must be in force while the driver is on the road.

Minimum No-Fault Insurance

Also called “personal injury protection,” no-fault insurance will pay for any medical bills and loss of income after an accident occurs, and it will pay no matter whose fault it was. 

No-fault insurance will cover you whether you’re a driver or a passenger, and any people who are riding with you will be covered under their policy.

Minimum Liability Insurance

Liability insurance would pay for any damages or injury if the accident was your fault.

If you were involved in an accident for which you are at fault, the other driver’s no-fault coverage would kick in first, and your liability insurance will cover any excess of that amount.

Minimum Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Even though the State of Minnesota requires every driver to have auto insurance, there are many who don’t. This type of coverage is meant to protect you from any liabilities if you get into an accident with one of these drivers.

If you want to get an affordable auto insurance policy that meets the state’s requirements, Pizano Insurance in Wayzata MN can help you get one that you can easily afford. Feel free to reach out to us so we can discuss your needs.

Additional Coverage Options

Despite the state required minimum, there are other types of coverage you can purchase that can give you an extra level of protection. Some of these may include:

•    Collision – Will cover any damages that are caused by an accident
•    Comprehensive – Will cover any damages that aren’t traffic-related

If you want to purchase a comprehensive policy at an affordable price, Pizano Insurance has a team of experienced agents that can help you. We’ve been serving the people of Wayzata, MN for a long time, and we understand the needs of our community. If you want to speak to one of our agents, get in touch with us today!

Improving Your Home Insurance Policy: Add Ons and Extra Considerations

Home insurance is based on you, so it helps to know everything that’s available. While each company differs in terms of exactly what’s offered, you can make your own requests if you have specific fears. For example, if your beloved Golden Retriever is prone to knocking your things to the ground with the sweep of their tail, you don’t want to be responsible for replacing everything he destroys out of pocket. Keep these tips in mind from Pizano Insurance if you live in Wayzata, MN. 

Start Asking Questions 

The best way to improve your home insurance is not necessarily to start combing through the pages of your policy. The best way is to start addressing different scenarios with a critical mind. What happens if your home is flooded, what happens if a vandal destroys your mailbox, who will pay if your cash is stolen from your safe? Once you get these exact answers, you can start seeing where the gaps are so they can be filled with additional language that covers further destruction. You can also decide if an event is likely enough to happen to you to justify spending the extra money. 

Help for Wayzata, MN Residents 

If you’re looking for help when it comes to your policy, we’re here to make it easier to navigate. Our job is to address your home and the possessions that make it special and start giving you concrete ways to protect it. The key is to remember that insurance policies can be built to you. For example, you may not have a dog, but what if you have a relative who might bring theirs over? Pizano Insurance makes it simpler to see how insurance really works in the real world, so call today! 

College Students and Auto Insurance Policies

While planning for the big transition from high school to college, students largely focus on dorm room furniture, making new friends, and choosing a major. They don’t spend much time dwelling on insurance considerations — but auto insurance is definitely worth addressing.

In some circumstances, students are able to remain on their parents’ car insurance plans. Others opt for their own insurance coverage. There is no one right solution for every situation; the following are a few of the most common approaches to car insurance in college.

Dropping Car Insurance Altogether

Depending on where your student attends college, he or she may not need a car on campus. But what happens when the fall and spring semesters end? When your student returns home, he or she will once again want to drive, making full coverage a necessity. Coverage is also essential if your student chooses to live at home and commute to a local community college or the University of Minnesota.

Sticking With the Same Car Insurance Policy

Students who drive their parents’ cars infrequently typically remain on the same plan that covered them as high school students. In doing so, they can take advantage of less expensive coverage while still enjoying full driving privileges whenever they return home. This is one of the most popular options for college students covered by Pizano Insurance serving Wayzata, MN.

A New Car Insurance Policy

Some college students desire total independence. Separate car insurance policies may prove preferable for those with their own cars who wish to break away. However, this approach is more expensive than sticking with an existing policy.

Car insurance does not have to be complicated when your teen driver leaves for college. Pizano Insurance offers a variety of options for families residing in and around Wayzata, MN. Get in touch today to learn more about college student coverage.




The Best Ways to Save On Your Home Insurance

You are not locked into the amount of money you pay currently for home insurance. There are different ways to reduce what you pay while living in Wayzata, MN, all without dropping coverage or increasing your deductible. At Pizano Insurance, we want to make sure you not only receive excellent home insurance but at a desirable price. 

Security System

A home security system is one of the very best services out there. It will keep your home safe and yet can also reduce your home insurance costs. With a connection to the local police and fire departments, you’ll reduce any chance of extensive damages in the event of a fire. It will also prevent break-ins, which in turn also cuts down on insurance costs. 

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

It is a good idea to have these in every room of the house. These will keep you safe and also reduce insurance costs as fire damage is limited. Some smoke and carbon monoxide detectors can work in unison with the security system as well. 

Improve Utilities

If you have money for a home upgrade, consider having work down to the electrical or plumbing. In a dated house, these are often the most problem filled areas. By making these corrections and having the system updated you can see a drop in insurance costs. 

No matter the kind of home you live in or where in Wayzata, MN you call home, at Pizano Insurance we are here to assist in finding the right coverage at a price you can afford. So, if you have any questions regarding your home insurance or want to know if our company can help you save money, feel free to reach out and contact us at your earliest convenience.