Auto Accident Insurance Coverage Minnesota

Minnesota’s snowy winters make accident protection a must. Auto accident insurance coverage is a must for drivers in the state.

In the event of an accident, a full-coverage automobile insurance policy will offset attendant costs to a collision such as medical bills and subsequent wage loss associated with physical injury. Drivers in cold weather states like Minnesota are of keen interest to insurers, as road collisions and auto related accidents from winter road conditions result in dis-proportionality higher than average insurance payouts than the national average. Minnesota drivers have three basic policy options to meet state minimum mandates for auto insurance.

1. Auto Liability Coverage

The most basic coverage for a driver in Minnesota, auto liability insurance agreements protects vehicle assets in case that an auto accident is an insured’s fault. A minimum of $30,000 for single person injury, and $60,000 for injuries to multiple parties, as well as $10,000 for damage to an insured’s vehicle, is required.

2. Personal Injury No-Fault Coverage

Coverage for hospitalization and wage reimbursement is available to an insured driver before a lawsuit. In Minnesota, a driver must carry a minimum of $40,000 in coverage insurance to meet the criteria to ‘no-fault’ coverage. Per-person coverage for an accident is $20,000 in medical care expense offsets and $20,000 for non-medical expenses such as lost wages following an injury sustained from an auto accident.

3. Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Compensation for driver injuries post-accident, where the culpability is another driver with no insurance or limited insurance, is provided by an uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage agreement.  Minnesota auto insurance policy minimum for this type of coverage is $25,000 for injury to a single person and $50,000 for injuries to multiple parties.

For auto accident coverage in Wayzata, MN, contact an insurance broker.

Trimming Back Trees and Hedges Improve Your Home Security

With winter rapidly approaching around Wayzata, MN, most of your yard work is done for the year. However, now is a good time to take a look at those oversized shrubs in front of your house and trim any overgrown trees down to size.

Can You See Your Doors and Windows From the Road?

During the warm months, have you admired all the trees and hedges in front of your home? If you couldn’t see the doors or windows through all the leaves, that means you can’t see a home invader working away at locks and windows, either. By removing large landscaping from around points of entry, you improve the security of your home.

Check the Power Lines to Your Home

Blizzard winds will be howling soon. Did that tree near the house finally get big enough to be hanging over your cable, phone and electric lines running to your house? You can prevent loss of power in a storm by having those trees trimmed back now. The utility companies may take care of the ones on the street, but not on your property. Call in a professional now.

Are Your Trees Healthy?

Sometimes we like the tree that grew with a natural V in the trunk. However, that means when it grows large enough, it is susceptible to coming down in a storm–possibly damaging your siding or roof. With all the leaves down, it’s a good time to have sick, rotting and unsafe trees identified and removed from your property.

Good property maintenance isn’t just about keeping up appearances; it’s also about protecting your most valuable asset and your family.  Give your Wayzata, MN area home a good winterizing review and catch up on those forgotten chores.

Top Reasons You Should Carry an Emergency Kit in Your Car this Winter

Minnesota winters can get extremely cold. While those of us who have lived in Wayzata, MN or other parts of the state are familiar with how do drive in cold and icy conditions, it is still important that you always keep an emergency kit in your vehicle. This is especially the case during the cold winter months. At Pizano Insurance, we want all of our clients and their families to be safe while driving this winter. As an added measure of safety, take a few minutes to pull together an emergency kit and place it in your care.

What is An Emergency Kit?

An emergency kit is essentials that you might need if you are stalled, stranded, or otherwise detained on the road. It contains things supplies such as snacks, water, any medications, flashlight, and extra batteries. In the winter time, it should also have seasonal items such as a shovel and windshield scraper, blankets to keep you warm, and extra warm clothing including gloves, hats, and scarves.

Why Should You Keep One in Your Vehicle?

By keeping these supplies and any other essentials that you may need in your vehicle, you are prepared for the worst. If your automobile stalls or is involved in an accident and you are unable to run the heater, warm clothes, and blankets will come in handy until help arrives. If it is nighttime, a flashlight with working batteries can help you visually to assess the situation. Or, there may be times when you must clear a path of snow, and a shovel would be very helpful. At Pizano Insurance of Wayzata, MN, we hope that you stay safe while driving, but if you need help, give us a call.

Safety Hazards to Avoid During the Winter

Winter can be a beautiful time of year when you consider the coziness of relaxing by the fireplace with a good book or the beauty of the freshly falling snow. This time of year can also be filled with safety hazards, but many of those can be avoided if you know how to be prepared and react properly. Here are some tips for you, courtesy of Pizano Insurance serving Wayzata, MN.

Outdoor aspects

Outside the home is a common place for people to run into – sometimes quite literally – safety hazards during the winter. Watch out for ice and snow that becomes a safety hazard, especially on steps and walkways surrounding your home. Promptly clear snow and ice from all around the exterior of your home using tools like shovels and snow blowers. You will be helping to keep your family and all guests to your home safe.

Decorative and comfort items

It is very common for people to decorate their homes and make them look and feel relaxing and inviting during the winter. But just make sure you are doing so in a safe way. Be aware of safety issues with things like Christmas decorations, fireplaces, and other household decorative items. Follow all instructions that come with these items.

Heating helps

Everyone wants to stay comfortably warm when it is cold outside, but maintaining that level of comfort should not come at the risk of safety. Be cautious when using items like space heaters, making sure to follow all instructions that come with appliances like this.

Pizano Insurance, serving Wayzata, MN wants you and your loved ones to stay safe and healthy during the wintry months of the year. Following these suggestions to help you achieve just that, and contact us if you need additional safety information.

Why Does the Number of Miles You Drive Annually Affect Your Car Insurance?

When you are signing up for auto insurance, one of the questions that the insurer will likely ask is how many miles per month or year do you drive your car. Based on the number you give, your insurance rate may increase or decrease. The more miles you drive, the more you will pay. But have you ever wondered why this is? Here are a few of the reasons why the number of miles you drive affects your auto insurance rate.

The More You Drive, The More Likely It Is You Will Be In An Accident

The number one reason that your auto insurance rates are higher if you drive more is because you are more likely to be involved in an auto accident if you drive more. If you commute four hours per day, that leaves a four hour time period in which you can hit someone or someone else can hit you. This is significantly higher than someone who only drives for an hour a day or even less. As such, your rates will be higher. 

Don’t Think About Lying About Your Driving Mileage

If you do drive a lot, you may be thinking about fibbing on the numbers to get a lower rate. However, your insurance company can determine how many miles are on your car a number of different ways. Many states require inspections or smog checks every one to two years. During these inspections or checks, the mileage is noted. Once an insurance company sees you are driving much more than you claimed, the can increase your rates or even cancel your policy.

If you are looking to price out a new auto insurance policy in the greater Wayzata, MN area, contact Pizano Insurance. We can help determine the best plan for you based on the number of miles you drive each year. Contact us now to get started.

How to Take Inventory of the Contents of Your Home

Have you ever wondered how the insurance company would reimburse you after your Wayzata, MN house burned down or a tree fell on the roof? You might be surprised to learn that you can’t just tell them, "Well, I guess the total value of everything we owned was $20,000," and expect a check. You have to be able to prove it in order to get the most out of your Pizano Insurance homeowner’s policy.

That’s why you need to inventory your home. If your Wayzata, MN home has never burned down, that’s great. But you need to be prepared. Follow these tips to make sure you get reimbursed for everything—not just the house, but its contents too.

Get an Inventory App

That’s right, there’s an app for that. In fact, there are quite a few available for any type of device. These apps make taking inventory of your house fast, all in one place, even fun. Some allow you to take pictures, some have space for a receipt. They all look a bit different. But the bottom line is they make taking inventory easy. For most of these apps, you can walk into a room and start snapping pictures of your stuff.

Keep Your Receipts

It’s likely that you never thought about taking inventory of your home before, and that’s ok. But from here on out, you’ve got to be savvy. Every time you purchase an item for your home, keep the receipt, or at least take a picture of it. Remember that the more proof you have of an item’s expense, the better your chances of being fully reimbursed for it in the event of a catastrophe.

It’s not hard to keep an inventory of your home. Make it simple by keeping receipts and taking picture of your items, as well as building a list of them, for your Pizano Insurance homeowner’s company. You’ll get your home’s worth, inside and out, when you file a claim.

How to Prevent Your Auto Rates From Rising Because of a Speeding Ticket

At Pizano Insurance, we know that sometimes good drivers get a bit carried away and find themselves being issued a ticket for speeding. However, when this happens, your car insurance rates in the Wayzata, MN area may increase. But, fortunately for you, there are a few things you can do to stop this increase or minimize it. Here are a few tips you should follow to minimize the impact of a speeding ticket on your car insurance rates.

Participate in Traffic School

Most states will allow you to participate in driving school every two or three years when you receive a ticket. This helps to wipe the points you receive because of the ticket off of your driving record. If this is the only ticket you have received, wiping the points away can prevent your insurance rates from rising. Always check with the traffic courts in your area to find out if you qualify for traffic school and how to enroll.

Take a Safe or Defensive Driving Course

Another way to minimize the impact of a speeding ticket on your auto insurance rates is to participate in a safe or defensive driving course. Many insurance companies offer you a discount if you take one of these courses. The reduced rates can last anywhere from five to ten years. The course helps teach you defensive driving techniques that reduce the likelihood of you being involved in an automobile accident, which is why your rates can be slightly discounted.

Shop Around For a New Insurance Policy

If you have received a speeding ticket and your rates have drastically increased, it may be time to shop around for a new auto insurance policy. This helps you find the best rate for you, regardless of whether you have a ticket or not.

If you have received a speeding ticket and are looking for a new auto insurance policy, contact Pizano Insurance, serving the greater Wayzata, MN area. Give us a call or visit one of our offices to get started on a quote today.

Preparing the House For Fall in Minnesota /preparing-house-fall-minnesota

As fall begins in Minnesota, temperatures drop and chances of snow begin to appear in the forecast. The days become shorter as well. It’s important to take steps aimed at preparing your Wayzata, MN home for the months ahead:

1. Switch your ceiling fans so that they turn clockwise. This will help you keep heat in the room rather than letting it rise through the ceiling.

2. If your house has central heat, schedule a yearly furnace inspection and cleaning. These services reduce the risk of system failures and boost the efficiency of your heating equipment.

3. The risk of a fire increases in the autumn because you need to generate heat and spend more time indoors. Remember to test all smoke detectors and replace the batteries when needed.

4. If you use timers or a home automation system, make any necessary adjustments to accommodate changing sunrise and sunset times. For instance, you might set outdoor lights to turn on earlier.

5. Clogged rain gutters may trigger indoor leaks after ice dams form. To prevent this harmful situation, remember to clean your gutters during the autumn. Pour water into the troughs and make sure it drains properly.

6. Seal and insulate your house to cut energy bills and prevent frozen pipes. Consider adding insulation to walls, pipes or the attic. Use caulk to eliminate chilly drafts.

7. The North Star State’s first snow showers often materialize in October. Remember to stock up on sand and ice melter so that you can treat slippery decks, sidewalks and driveways.

While these tips may help safeguard your Wayzata, MN residence during the fall, they can’t prevent every disaster. Consider signing up for affordable home coverage from Pizano Insurance to obtain greater financial protection. Pizano Insurance helps customers compare quotes from multiple insurers. Please dial 763-244-3320 today.

Is your home ready for the new year?

At the start of a new year, there is a sense of fresh beginnings that takes over. It is a chance to get all of your affairs in order to have a productive year. This includes making sure that your Wayzata, MN home is ready to enter the new year with you. When it comes to your home, there is no way to predict what could happen to put your home in jeopardy. From break ins to weather mishaps and roofing issues, your home can go into the new year and take a true beating. It is imperative that you have the right home insurance to ensure a prosperous new year.

Here at Pizano Insurance, our independent agents want to make sure your home insurance fits you and your family needs as well as your budget. From choosing between liability and property insurance to creating a plan that suits your financial needs, our agents know what insurance and will make the process simple and easy. We understand that the process of purchasing home insurance can be confusing, difficult, and nerve wrecking. Our agents will take their time to go over your options and help you make the best choice to protect your home and peace of min in the new year.

The new year is around the corner so don’t waste any time protecting your home, family, and the place that is the foundation of your life. Call us today to speak to one of our knowledgeable agents or walk into our office to speak to one of our agents about your needs and how we can protect your home.

Common Auto Insurance Questions and Answers

Auto insurance can be difficult to understand. There are however some commonly asked questions that span most agencies and that have fairly basic answers. For those that live in the Wayzata, MN area, Pizano Insurance can help answer these common questions.

What Coverage Do I Need?

This is one of the most common questions. The answer is it depends on the actual vehicle. Basic requirements are liability insurance or the least amount that is required by both state and federal law. These amounts may vary depending on what state you live in but for the most part these policies require coverage between $10,000 and $25,000. This is to cover the basic fees and bills associated with an accident. If you have a loan out on your vehicle or you are paying for it through a third party lender you are required to hold full coverage insurance.

How Do I File A Claim?

This is another common question. The first step is to make sure you thoroughly document the accident. This is going to insure a speedy claim and an accurate claim to boot. You can then go through your insurance agent to help file your claim and provide your insurance company with the needed material to complete the claim. It is far simpler to talk with your agent about how to file your claim and what information is needed.

How Do I Change My Policy?

You can change your policy at any time by contacting your insurance agent or by contacting your insurance company directly or online. If you have questions, an insurance agent is the fastest and most accurate way to get the answers you need.

If you live in the Wayzata, MN area and have insurance questions or needs, contact Pizano Insurance today.