Do You Need Auto Insurance When Buying a Car as a Present?

Buying a car as a holiday present can be a great way to really give someone an amazing gift. When you go to buy a car, though, there’s more to the purchase than just the actual purchase. There’s also the title, the registration, and the insurance. You can’t just buy the car from a dealership and take it home. They’re going to do the registration and title paperwork there for you, and then you’ll need to insure it before you drive away.

With a personal auto policy through Pizano Insurance you can cover the car you’re buying as a present before you leave that Wayzata, MN dealership. There are a couple of ways you can buy and insure the car and also give it as a present. You can either bring your gift recipient to the dealership with you, or you can buy the car in your name and then transfer the title at a later date. Both are acceptable ways to buy a car as a present, and which choice you make depends on how you want to give the gift to your recipient.

If you want to do the big reveal, where the car’s in the driveway with a giant bow on it, you’ll need to buy and insure the car in your name before you drive it off the dealer’s lot. The title can be transferred to your gift recipient later, and then they can insure it under their name. If you don’t want the car in your name at all, and you don’t want to worry about the need to insure it, you can take your gift recipient to the dealership with you. That way, the title and insurance will be in their name from the very first day.


Why Independent Insurance Agents Matter with Car Insurance

Whether you are getting a new car insurance policy or renewing your existing policy, you want to get coverage that will suit your needs. What do you gain by purchasing inadequate car insurance coverage?

By working with an independent insurance agent at Pizano Insurance, you get a customized experience that helps you determine the best car insurance for you.

Agents are knowledgeable experts. Our independent insurance agents continually remain abreast of changes affecting the insurance industry. As a result, they can offer you advice and strategies that will help you achieve your insurance goals.

Agents are customer-focused. One of the leading differences among independent insurance agents, compared to other agents, is that they are customer-focused. With every business transaction, we have your best interest in mind. We are constantly thinking and considering new ways to improve your experience in our office.

When it comes to you making a claim on your insurance, you will find that their ability to focus exclusively on your needs helps you work through the process quickly. They will educate you on the process, and work with you to get your car repaired or replaced if necessary.

Pizano agents offer competitively priced products. With the ability to compare prices and services from multiple companies, you can rest assured that our agents will suggest an insurance product that aligns with your needs. You don’t have to worry about purchasing a product you don’t need from Pizano Insurance.

They are problem solvers. Our Wayzata, MN office offers a host of insurance products from many branded insurance companies. With your goals in mind, they effectively act as problem solvers to ensure that you retain your ability to drive. Additionally, they help you remain financially protected on the highways.

Our website has a wealth of information concerning our insurance products. You can research what options we have available on our site, and then speak with one of our independent insurance agents to get a quote.



3 Ways to Light Jack-O-Lanterns That Don’t Create Fire Hazards

Carving pumpkins and lighting them up on Halloween night is a longstanding tradition. If you go around Wayzata, MN on the night of October 31, you’ll see illuminated pumpkins in front of many homes. A number of these will be lit with candles, but some will likely be illuminated by a safer option. There are several flame-free alternatives for lighting jack-o-lanterns that don’t create a fire hazard.

Illuminating Pumpkins Safely

Any time there is an open flame, there is a fire risk. If that open flame is put inside a small sphere that can catch fire, the risk increases. In other words, illuminating jack-o-lanterns with candles creates a fire hazard. Your local fire marshall probably doesn’t like it, and we at Pizano Insurance recommend against doing it.

There are several safer ways to light up pumpkins at night. Instead of tea lights, you can use:

  • glow sticks
  • LED lights that are battery-powered
  • small flashlights

None of these items have an open flame, and they’ll all light up a pumpkin just as well as a candle.

Check Your Home Insurance

Regardless of whether you use candles or one of these safer alternatives to light up pumpkins this Halloween, you should take a few minutes to check your home insurance policy for fire protection. Candles can cause house fires, but they’re hardly the only potential cause. Your policy should cover you if your home catches on fire.

If your home insurance doesn’t include enough fire protection, contact us at Pizano Insurance. We’ll help you find a new policy that is affordable but provides better protection. To get in touch with one of our agents, send our agency an email.


Discover The Life Insurance Myths In Wayzata, MN

When you live in Wayzata, Minnesota, having a life insurance policy is important. You don’t want to believe all of the myths that you hear because it can lead you into purchasing a policy that has insufficient coverage.

There are plenty of myths out there, and no one is quite sure as to where they got started. Sometimes it is because people purchase a policy without truly knowing anything about what it is that they are buying. Not all agents are honest and therefore they will say anything in order to sell someone a policy.

For example, there is the myth about 95% of life insurance policies never paying out. This is only true of term life and that is because people need to “guess” at how long they are going to live. Coverage options range from 5 to 30 years.

While term is the most affordable option for life insurance, you can also look at whole and universal life. These can provide cash values that can be used later in life, such as being able to afford your retirement years.

Some life insurance facts that you need to be aware of that surfaced as a result of myths include:

  • You can be any age to get a life insurance policy
  • Poor health does not exclude you from getting a policy
  • Multiple quotes should be obtained in order to compare pricing

Knowing more about life insurance as a whole will make it easier for you to get a policy that you can rely on.

Call us at Pizano Insurance today to learn more about your life insurance options. We are here to help you however we can, including answering questions that you may have about coverage and obtaining quotes from some of the best insurance companies that write policies in Minnesota.



Business Insurance and How It Can Be Customized to Your Business in Wayzata, MN

Do you have insurance for your small business in Wayzata, MN? You have no way of knowing what is going to come your way, but you can be prepared for everything with the right coverage. Two types of coverage most businesses should consider – at minimum – are:

  1. Property Damage – With the right insurance, you can protect the equipment, furniture and other items within your business. After all, you never know when a burglar is going to target your business or when a fire is going to occur at your storefront. By taking the time to obtain the most appropriate insurance, you can be fully prepared to weather the storm that comes with a fire, flood or other event that causes business property damage.
  2. Liability – Whether you work with clients in your own office or their place of business, it is crucial that you have coverage to protect you in the event that your client is hurt in one way or another, such as tripping and falling over your briefcase. Liability insurance for your business in Wayzata will help protect your business from various legal claims, including bodily injury, medical costs and property damage.

Business Insurance Policies Can Be Customized

Depending on the type of business that you operate, you may need additional coverage. A larger company with employees may need to be protected in the event of employee misconduct while a smaller business that focuses on IT may need a policy that will cover electronic data loss. You can get quotes on a variety of coverages so that you can create a business policy that meets your needs as well as your budget.

Business Insurance Is Complex – Get Help!

The options for business insurance are endless, which can make it difficult to choose the right policy for you and your business. Luckily, that's where the independent agents of our business insurance agency in Minnesota come in. We can discuss with you what options are available and help you determine the types and levels of coverage that are necessary to limit your risk and protect your business.

5 Tips To Follow For Pet Summertime Safety

When you live in Wayzata, Minnesota, you want to look out for your pets, especially during the summertime. There are several safety tips that you can keep in mind to ensure that they are safe and healthy not only during the summer months, but through the entire year.

  1. Exercise Hours
    The exercise hours that you keep with your pet should be outside of the middle of the day. Don’t go out when it is the hottest. Try to exercise during the early morning hours or later in the evening. Whenever you are outside, be sure to take breaks in the shade as well.
  2. Hydration 
    Keep your pets hydrated at all times, and this includes when they are indoors. Instead of giving them dry food alone, mix some wet food in as well. When you do go outside, bring a bottle of water specifically for your pet.
  3. Avoid Leaving Your Pet in a Parked Car
    Never leave your pet inside of a parked car. It gets very hot and they can overheat quickly.
  4. Cover the Paws
    The concrete can get very hot and you want to make sure to cover your pet’s paws so their pads don’t burn. You can go into a pet store and buy booties or pad protectors for this very purpose.
  5. Be Bug Conscious
    There are more bugs out during the summer then at any other time. Fleas, ticks, and heartworms can be detrimental to your pet’s health and even cause death. There are various forms of protection, and you can talk to your vet about proper medication for your pet.

Call us at Pizano Insurance today to learn more about home insurance and how to keep everyone in your home safe, including your four-legged family members.


Making the Roads Safer for Teen Drivers in Wayzata

When it comes to making the roads safer for teen drivers, it all starts with parents instructing their teaching how to drive in a safe manner. It also starts with parents setting good examples. After all, how can we expect teen drivers to drive safely when they see their parents going over the speed limit and not using proper signals? If you’re a parent looking for a way to make the roads safer for your teen, make sure you share these tips with your child before they get behind the wheel.

Don’t drink and drive

No teen should be drinking, let alone drinking and driving. However, there are teens each year who die because they choose to drink and drive at the same time. Fortunately, it becomes much more difficult for teens to drink and drive when their parents are aware of where they are and who they are with. You should always know who your kids are hanging out with, and always implement a no drinking and driving rule. If your teen is caught drinking and driving and the police determine you knew about it, you can be held accountable. 

No breaking the law

If a speed limit sign says 35 mph, this is because many tests have been performed to determine the safest speed at which the road can be traveled. Speed limit signs are not merely a recommendation, they are the law. You must stress to your teen driver the importance of going the speed limit. 

To learn more about making the roads safer for your teen driver, please contact Pizano Insurance in Wayzata, MN today. 


Wake Up! Don’t Get Behind The Wheel Drowsy

When you live in Wayzata, MN it’s important to be safe behind the wheel. Thousands of accidents happen every year simply because people are driving drowsy. The CDC estimates that thousands of additional accidents happen, though they are not reported to the police.

Even if you have auto insurance, the amount of damage that can take place because of falling asleep at the wheel can be expensive. It can also cost you your life, or the life of others.

If you are feeling drowsy, you don’t want to get behind the steering wheel. What you do want to do is admit that you are tired and get someone else to drive you home, and even a taxi company can be called to help you out.

Whenever you are going for a long-distance drive, it’s good to have someone else in the car with you. They can help to keep you alert, and if they are a licensed driver, they can take over some of the driving responsibilities as well. By swapping off, you ensure that neither one of you get too tired.

It’s also good idea to stop driving after a few hours and take a break. Get out, walk around, and even drink something caffeinated. This will help to ensure you are aware of your surroundings once you get back behind the wheel.

Anything can happen on the roads of Minnesota and anywhere else. You want to be prepared and that means not driving drowsy. The last thing you want to have happen is to fall asleep behind the wheel and wake up just in time for an accident.

Contact one of our agents at Pizano Insurance today and let us find quotes, explain policies, and help you to get a policy that you can rely on.


Prep Your BBQ For Summer Fun

When you live in Wayzata, MN, spending time out on the grill can be one of the greatest ways to spend an afternoon. To ensure you have plenty of fun or the summer, you want to make sure to prep your BBQ, and this will allow you to focus on safety as well.

If you cook with gas, the tank needs to be inspected periodically. This can be done by professional or you can do it on your own. You want to check for any rusting around the connections as well as leaks throughout the tank.

Grill needs to be cleaned thoroughly in between uses. If there is a lot of caked on grease and fat it can lead to smoke, fire, and much more. Investing in a wire brush can help this task tremendously.

Keep a fire extinguisher and keep it close to the grill. You will also want to make sure you know how to use it so that if there is a fire, you will know exactly what needs to be done. A small spray bottle filled with water should also be kept close as a way of extinguishing small flare-ups.

Always grill away from the house. If there is a fire on the grill, you don’t want your house to catch on fire as well. This means that it should never be set up underneath an awning or inside of a screened in patio.

Whenever the grill is lit, be sure that you are out there, attending everything. You never want to walk away when there is an open gas line and flames within the grill.

Call Pizano Insurance today and let us help you every step of the way. We can help to find insurance quotes, answer questions, and more about a homeowner’s policy in Minnesota.


Three Circumstances That Affect Your Ability to Drive Your Motorcycle

Motorcyclists in Wayzata feel compelled to hit the open road with their bikes. The power of the motorcycle coupled with the feeling of oneness with the motorcycle is exhilarating. If you are a motorcyclist, you know the feeling all too well and you long to experience it each and every day. However, before you turn the ignition, avoid driving when you are facing the following three circumstances.

Drinking at a Social Event
When the weather warms, most people like to be outdoors more. In fact, your friend’s barbeque is the perfect event to show off your new motorcycle. If you partake in spirits, driving your motorcycle is off limits. Drinking reduces your ability to respond and can lead to an accident. If you damage another person’s property and your motorcycle, you may take a hit on your liability and collision motorcycle insurance coverage. Be safe, and don’t drink and drive.

After an Argument
When it is hot outside, tempers can flare up easily. If you are involved in an argument, you should not drive. Your anger may make you more inclined to drive faster or reckless, which places you and everyone around you in danger. For instance, your anger may compel you to do something dangerous, like speeding, which could lead to a ticket. Ultimately, you risk your motorcycle insurance increasing when you drive angry.

Low Visibility
During the summer, moisture in the air may create a thick fog during the early mornings that limit your vision. When it is challenging to see ahead of you, it’s best to drive a car, which has brighter lights to improve your visibility. Additionally, you will have more protection in a vehicle compared to a motorcycle if you are in a collision. Don’t jeopardize your motorcycle insurance when it’s foggy out.

Add Umbrella Insurance for Added Protection
With the possibility of getting into an accident ever-present, purchasing umbrella insurance complements your motorcycle insurance. With umbrella insurance, you have additional liability coverage that may repair or replace another person’s property if the damage exceeds your liability limits on your motorcycle insurance policy. When you are ready to purchase umbrella insurance, contact us so that we can review your options.