What is car rental reimbursement insurance, and why should I buy it in Wayzata, Minnesota?

Although a recent study found that Americans own an average of 2.28 vehicles per household, there are plenty of families throughout Wayzata, Minnesota who choose to own just one car for various reasons. Nationwide, approximately 33.8 percent of households in the U.S. own just one vehicle. Whether it’s to save money on car-related expenses or dramatically reducing their environmental footprint, many one-car families are making do with sharing a single vehicle among the entire household.

So how does car rental reimbursement come into play? If you’ve recently been in an auto accident in Wayzata and you only own one vehicle, chances are you’ll need a way to get to work and back while your vehicle is undergoing repairs or, in the case of a total loss, while your insurance provider arranges for a replacement. Car rental reimbursement coverage is an optional auto insurance benefit that can help cover the cost of a rental vehicle under the circumstances.

Car rental reimbursement coverage usually works one of two ways:

  • You rent a vehicle from the rental car company of your choice and pay the upfront costs. These costs are later reimbursed after submitting receipts and a claim form to your insurance provider.
  • You rent a vehicle from a rental car company approved by your insurance provider. Instead of paying upfront costs, the rental company bills your insurance provider directly.

Most forms of car rental reimbursement coverage feature a “per-day” or “per-accident” limit that varies depending on the insurance company’s own policies. Also keep in mind that this coverage does not cover car rentals that are needed while your vehicle is in the shop undergoing ordinary maintenance or repairs.

You can always turn to your Pizano Insurance for more information on rental reimbursements and other optional insurance coverage for your vehicle. As your independent agent, we can help you build the best auto insurance plan that covers all of the bases.

Does my car insurance cover someone who borrows my car in Albertville, Minnesota ?

Allowing a friend, relative or even the babysitter to borrow your car in Albertville, Minnesota does not necessarily mean that you are taking unnecessary risks. In many cases, insurers will still cover your vehicle while a loved one or a friend is driving the car. Even though you may still be covered, certain situations may impact your auto coverage and might limit the funds that you are provided.

Lending to Individuals in the Same House

If you live with the individual who is borrowing your vehicle, then you may not be covered for the damages unless the person is mentioned under your policy. The reason is that the individual may drive the vehicle more often and has a higher risk of getting into an accident as a result.

When a loved one lives in the same house, it may be wise to put them under your current account to avoid complications if an accident occurs.

Lending to Others

Offering your car to a friend, relative or acquaintance who does not live in the same house means that you are still covered under most policies. Keep in mind that every insurer is different, so it is important to evaluate your particular policy before you allow a loved one to drive your car.

Read your policy to find out what situations may be classified as an exception to the basic rules. If there are times when you are not covered, then identify those situations to avoid problems if you must make a claim.

In most cases, you are covered if you lend your car to another individual. Contact Pizano Insurance to talk to an independent agent about your coverage options and the situations that may not be covered by a basic policy.

What is the difference between limited and full tort coverage in Wayzata, Minnesota?

Court cases related to auto accidents can cause a variety of complications for drivers and the court system, which is why insurers offer limited tort and full tort coverage in Wayzata, Minnesota. By understanding the differences between the policies, it is easier to determine the best option for your goals and needs.

Full Tort

A full tort policy means that you have the right to sue a negligent driver when he or she crashes into your vehicle. Regardless of the coverage that you select, the driver of another vehicle who crashes into your car and causes injuries is responsible for your medical bills and the repairs to your vehicle.

In the case of major injuries, you may decide that you want to sue the driver for your pain and suffering rather than just the medical bills. If you have a full tort insurance policy, then you have the right to sue in this situation.

Limited Tort

A limited tort policy means that you are not allowed to sue for pain and suffering in an auto accident. Your coverage allows you to submit your medical bills and the cost of your repairs to the other driver’s insurance company for compensation.

The insurer will usually pay the full amount of your bills up to a certain amount, which will vary based on the other driver’s liability plan. When you opt for a limited tort policy, you cannot sue for your pain and suffering, regardless of the extent of your injuries.

Limited and full tort auto policies are not the same. If you opt for a limited tort plan, then you are giving up the right to take the other driver to court for additional compensation after an accident. Contact Pizano Insurance to talk to an independent agent for more details.

Do I need my Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or driver’s license number to get an auto insurance policy quote in Albertville, Minnesota?

Asking for a quote from an auto insurance company will require that you provide certain details and information about your car and your personal driving history. Depending on the insurance company, the exact information that you are required to provide may vary.


In many cases, a customer service representative or the company providing a quote will require the use of a driving license to obtain a quote. You will not need to send a copy of your license, but you may be asked to provide the driver’s license number on the card to verify your driving history.

A license is used for identification and accurate estimates. Since a quote is an estimate of the price you will pay, your driving history is a necessary part of obtaining accurate figures.


Even though an insurance company may ask for the Vehicle Identification Number before providing the coverage on your car in Albertville, Minnesota, it may not be necessary to provide the information when you are asking for a quote.

In most cases, insurers will provide a quote if you provide the make and model of the car. The VIN is only necessary after you have purchased the vehicle and are applying the policy to the account. The make and model of the car, as well as the year it was built, are the key factors that determine the appropriate estimate.

Providing a large amount of information to an insurance company can help you obtain the most accurate estimate for your coverage. Depending on the insurer, the details you will need to provide can vary. Contact Pizano Insurance to talk to an independent agent for more information about the details you need to provide for an accurate estimate.

What Should I Do If There Is a Lapse in Home Insurance in Albertville, Minnesota?

It is very important for individuals to maintain home insurance on their property at all times. Should something happen to put the home at risk, such as a fire, flood, or burglary, it is critical that the right type of insurance be in place to protect the value of that home. Additionally, most mortgage lenders require borrowers to maintain a specific level of coverage at all times to protect the investment. So, what happens when your home insurance does lapse?

In Albertville, Minnesota, it is critically important to discuss your situation with your insurance agent as soon as possible. Getting a new policy in place right away is critical. Some insurance providers may penalize you with higher rates because of the lapse, but many will not. Ultimately, you do not want to delay in getting the coverage you need. The best way to do this is to consider both options of renewing your policy with your current provider or seeking out a new one.

You do not want to face risks with your lender for having a gap in coverage. It is best, then, that if you plan to switch providers that you begin looking at least a month in advance of the expiration of your current policy. This can help to reduce your risks of losing coverage even for one day.

If you are in the market for a new policy, it is often best to use an independent agent to help you to find the right policy for your needs. Even when you may not have the best track record of coverage, chances are good there is a provider that can meet your needs. Trust in an independent agent who can help you to find the right policy for your particular needs.

Which one is better if I am not using my boat for next three months in Wayzata, Minnesota, suspending or cancelling my policy?

If you own a boat in Wayzata, Minnesota, there is a good chance that you will not be using it during the cold winter months. So, if your boat is going to be out of the water and in storage until April, do you really need boat insurance? Should you cancel or suspend your policy until you are ready to go boating?

If you intend to sell your boat when the boating season in Wayzata starts back up in late spring or early summer, you may want to cancel your policy. If, on the other hand, you will be waxing your water skis at the first sign of warmer weather, you may be better off to suspend your insurance for the three or four months when boating is out of the question.

If you cancel your boat insurance, or for that matter, any other type of insurance, you may have a hard time finding a new policy with a premium and coverage as good as your canceled policy. In addition, if you cancel your policy, you will lose coverage for liability and physical damage while the boat is out of the water. Even if you keep your boat in your backyard, someone could climb aboard, fall and get injured.

When you purchase a boat insurance policy, many insurance companies will allow you to suspend coverage during the part of the year when your boat is in dry dock. They may offer you a discount of perhaps 5 percent for each month that you choose to go without coverage.

If you are looking to save some money on your boat insurance, suspending coverage for a few months may be a viable option. As your independent agent in Wayzata, we can help you make the right decision on whether to suspend, cancel, or continue to keep your policy in force. Please give us a call and talk to an independent agent for further information and assistance.

What if my Life Insurance Needs Change in Albertville, Minnesota?

When you review your life insurance policy in Albertville, Minnesota, you may discover that the current policy no longer fits your needs. Depending on your situation, you may discover that you need more coverage or that a term policy is no longer appropriate for your current concerns. Depending on the policy that you obtained, you may be able to make changes.

Conversion Options

Depending on the policy that you obtained, it may be possible to convert your current policy into a different type of plan if you discover that the current plan is not appropriate for your needs.

Read through your policy and look for any details related to a conversion option. A clause or an exception may provide details about your ability to convert your current term plan into a whole-life plan or other similar policy solutions.

Changing Beneficiaries

Although a change to your plan may focus on the funds or the type of plan that you need, it may also be necessary to change the beneficiary on your policy. Changing the beneficiary can take place whenever major changes occur in your life. For example, if you get married, then you may ask the insurer to change the beneficiary to your new spouse.

Making a change of the beneficiary will depend on your situation and the details of your policy. Some insurers may allow you to make changes at any time while others will require a specific reason for the alterations.

It is sometimes necessary to make changes to your life insurance policy. Depending on your situation and the current plan that you purchased, the details about how you can change your plan may vary. Contact us to talk to an independent agent for more details about the options that are available.

I Reside in Wayzata, Minnesota, Do I Receive Notification to Renew my Commercial Insurance Policy?

When you own a business in Wayzata, Minnesota, you may obtain commercial insurance to protect your company from a variety of different problems. Depending on the policy that you obtain, the details of when you must renew your policy may vary. In some cases, your insurer may notify you that it is time to renew your policy.


Commercial insurance companies may send a notification when your current policy is about to expire so that you can renew your policy and avoid a lapse in coverage. Since each company is different, the details about when they send a notification may vary.

Although some companies may notify you by phone or mail, every insurer is different and some companies may not send a notification that your business coverage is about to expire. It is your responsibility to determine if your coverage still applies.

Automatic Renewals

Although some insurers may notify you when your coverage is about to expire, it may be possible to set up an automatic renewal with insurers so that you do not have any gaps in your coverage. The ability to set up an automatic renewal system may vary based on the company and the specific business policies that apply to the situation.

When you automatically renew your policy, your insurer may send a new copy of your policy so that you can determine if it is still appropriate for your needs.

Protecting your business requires the right type of insurance. When your coverage is about to expire, it may be necessary to contact your insurer to find out whether you will obtain a notification or if you can renew your policy over the phone. To learn more about renewing your policy, contact us to talk to an independent agent today.

If I Purchase New Things for my Home Should I Keep my Insurer in Albertville, Minnesota Posted with it, in Order to be Covered?

Buying a home in Albertville or Wayzata, Minnesota may require a certain amount of home insurance to protect your property. Although personal belongings are usually covered in part by a home insurance policy, there are situations when you will want to keep your insurer informed about new purchases that come into your home.

Expensive Purchases

If a purchase is very expensive, then you may want to inform your insurer about the item as soon as you bring it into your home. Give your insurer the details about the replacement cost so that it is noted on your account.

Expensive purchases that may be appropriate to inform your insurer about include electronics, jewelry and furniture. After informing your insurer about the purchase, keep a copy of the receipt and a picture of the item in a safe location so that you can prove that you owned the item if something happens in the future.

Other Purchases

Although it is appropriate to inform your insurer about expensive purchases, it is not necessary to give the details of every item that you bring into the house. Articles of clothing, a pair of shoes or an inexpensive piece of furniture may not require you to inform your insurer about the purchase.

In most cases, the amount of coverage that you have for personal belongings may provide enough funds to handle low-cost purchases that are not specifically identified.

While it is not necessary to inform your insurer about every purchase that you make, it is usually a good idea to mention high-cost items to ensure that the replacement cost of those specific items is covered. Call us to talk to an independent agent today for more information about coverage for personal belongings.

How do I Know my Business Property is Worth Insuring, in Albertville, Minnesota?

When you own a business in Albertville, Minnesota, you may worry about the insurance coverage that you need. Although you may decide that commercial insurance is a necessity for liability, you may worry about the necessary expense of insuring your company property. Although it may seem that your property is not worth insuring, in many cases it can save you money and frustrations if you obtain coverage for your property.

Value of the Property

Before you make any decisions, evaluate the value of your property. Even if you just have a plot of land or several computers that you used in a rented office space, the value of that property can make it worth insuring.

As a general rule, insure any property that is owned by your business if it will cost a large amount of money to replace those items. If the replacement cost is limited, then it may be appropriate to avoid an unnecessary expense.

Buildings or Land

Even though the value of a company-owned building or a plot of land may not be too expensive to replace or repair if it is damaged, it is usually a good idea to purchase some protection for any land or building that you own.

Commercial insurance that is designed for property can help protect against thefts, break-ins, fires and vandalism so that you are not paying for the repair costs or the replacement of equipment that your business requires.

It may not always seem important to insure the property that your company owns, but it can save a large amount of money if something happens to that property. Even equipment and computers can add up quickly if they are damaged or stolen. Contact us to talk to an independent agent for more details today.