Does Auto Insurance Cover the Cost of Buying a New Car?

Getting into an auto accident is one of the scariest things you can go through. That being said, it is also a big hassle as you have to either get your car repaired or you have to go out and buy a whole new car. So what does your coverage really pay for? For those in the Wayzata, MN area, the agents with Pizano Insurance can help you to find out just what your policy covers.  

The general coverage you are paying for with car insurance is the cost of the car that you own. This means that if you have a $25,000 loan out on your car and it is totaled, you are going to be paid out the amount that you have the car insured for. If you have the car insured for $30,000 you would get $30,000 that you could use to pay off your existing loan and then have $5,000 to put down on a new car. though your insurance is not going to pay fully for a new car, it is going to help you settle your current loan so you can get a new car.

In cases where you have full coverage, you are going to be able to collect a sum of money and get your new car. For those that only have liability coverage, you will just get the liability amount which is commonly $10,000 but may vary by state. You can speak with your insurance agent to better understand what your insurance covers and what you can expect your coverage to pay out so that you can create a game plan for buying a new car after an accident.

For those in the Wayzata, MN area, the agents with Pizano Insurance can help you find the right auto policy for you.

3 Tips for Making Sure You Have the Best Auto Insurance Coverage

Let’s face it. Car insurance is a fact of life when it comes to driving in Minnesota. But how do you know you’re getting the right policy for your needs? Here are three tips from our Pizano Insurance team to help you ensure you have the best auto insurance coverage.

Tip #1: Know the State Minimum Limits

Before you can determine if you have the best auto insurance coverage, you need to know the state minimum limits for liability in Minnesota. These requirements include $30,000 per person for bodily injury, with a total maximum of $60,000 per incident. There’s also a requirement for $10,000 for damage to another person’s property. In most cases, this is simply not enough coverage and worth discussing a higher limit with your agent.


Tip #2: Understand Your Financial Situation

Next, it is important to understand your financial situation. Saving money on car insurance is important, but so is making sure you have the right coverage for your needs. If you own a home, have a moderate income, or own a business, you definitely need more than just the state minimum limits. However, if you don’t have many assets and a low income, you might be a better candidate for less expensive coverage. It really depends on your personal circumstances.

Tip #3: Talk to Your Agent

Finally, the easiest way to get the best insurance coverage is to talk to your agent. They will be able to examine your policy and determine any areas where you can improve coverage or reduce certain aspects. Best of all, he or she will also be able to help you determine any discounts you qualify for.

Pizano Insurance proudly serves the Wayzata, MN area. Please contact us today to schedule an appointment or for a no-obligation rate quote.


What to do if you are at fault in an accident

Minnesota is a "no-fault" state when it comes to car insurance. This means the insurance companies pay for damage to their customer’s car, and for any injuries, regardless of who is at fault.  In Minnesota fault still matters because you could still be sued, or file a suit, against another driver if the damages are big enough. Pizano Insurance in Wayzata, MN is here to help you get the coverage you need and to help you understand what no-fault insurance means.

If you are in an accident in Minnesota, and your damages do not exceed $20,000, you only have to go to your own insurance company to file a claim for damages. The other driver will do the same. 

For minor fender-benders, there is no need to get too concerned. However, you should still not sign anything or admit anything The procedure is pretty much the same for any accident though. Stop your car and turn off the engine. Call 911 and see if anyone is injured. Exchange information with other drivers. If you have any injuries, even if they seem small, seek medical attention. From there you only need to contact your insurance agency.

If it is a major accident with major damages, or if someone is killed, there may be more legal issues. Be cooperative but do not admit fault or sign anything.

Stop by, or call Pizano Insurance in Wayzata, MN to make sure you have the insurance you need on your car There are minimum requirements for coverage, and many people want more insurance than the minimum.  Liability coverage is the minimum required, but many people want comprehensive and collision coverage to protect their own car.  Existing customers are invited to stop by and make sure their policy is up to date.

Does Auto Insurance Cover Special Additions To Your Vehicle?

Many people take great pride in owning their vehicle. There are some that go the extra mile and customize their automobile to be a reflection of their personality or interests. Many of these additions and customizations are expensive and can increase the value of a vehicle.

Covering Custom Vehicles 

If you are the owner of a vehicle that has been modified or customized, you may be concerned that your regular auto insurance won’t provide the necessary coverage you need to avoid a loss during a covered event. If you have made significant and costly modifications, you may want to choose the maximum amount of full coverage. If that doesn’t equal the appraised value of the car or truck in question, there may be other insurance options that will provide the security you need while on the road or when you are parked somewhere. Ask your insurance provider for recommendations and to help review coverage to ensure you don’t have gaps.

Finding A Reputable Agent

One of the best ways to protect your vehicle, especially if it has been heavily modified and customized, is to work with an agency that has experience providing special auto coverage for your situation. If you are living in or around the Wayzata, MN area, you should consult Pizano Insurance for more details about your options and information about special coverage necessary to prevent losses. The agents have vast experience and know how to work with special cases to get the best results. 

If you have a customized vehicle and are worried about adequate coverage, you should call or stop by Pizano Insurance serving Wayzata, MN. They can give you answers to your questions and work closely with you to get the results you want. 

What Happens if I Don’t Have Auto Insurance

If you own a car in the Wayzata, MN area, you are responsible for carrying auto insurance whenever you are out on the road. While it is a requirement under the law, not all people comply with this requirement. If you do not have auto insurance and still drive, there are a number of things that could happen. 

Face Significant Penalties

If you do not have car insurance and are caught driving without it, one thing that could happen is that you could face very serious penalties. Driving without insurance is against the law in people that are caught doing it could be fined a monetary penalty, lose their driving privileges, and potentially face imprisonment. These penalties tend to get worse if you are a repeat offender.

Face Substantial Liability

Another risk of driving without auto insurance is that you could face substantial liability. One of the benefits of auto insurance is that it will give you protection if you are at fault in an accident. Even if you do not have auto insurance, you are still responsible for any loss that is incurred. If you are not able to reimburse the other party in an accident, further legal action could be taken against you. 

Lose Car

Finally, if your car is damaged in an accident and you do not have insurance, you could lose your car. Since a car is expensive to replace, you will want to make sure you have collision and comprehensive coverage in place to cover a variety of losses.

If you own a car in the Wayzata, MN area, you should reach out to Pizano Insurance today. The team at Pizano Insurance knows the importance of having auto insurance in place at all times. This company can also explain your auto insurance options and make sure that you have the right level of coverage.

The Insurance Your Dream Car Dreams About

Dreams Become Reality

When you’ve saved and sacrificed for your dream car, don’t waste your efforts by using inadequate auto insurance. It can be confusing to consider all the different auto policies that are out there, however. How do you find the answers to your insurance questions? At Pizano Insurance serving the Wayzata, MN neighborhoods and communities, we’d be more than happy to discuss your auto insurance. We’ll not only answer questions, but we’ll show you the latest policies available from multiple national providers and help you sign up right there. You can come in with questions and confusion, and go out with answers, knowledge, and confidence about your insurance. Your dream car will thank you!

Your Auto Insurance Begins With Us

When you sit down with one of our agents, we will access a database of reliable insurance policy providers from around the country:

  • The Hartford
  • AAA
  • Progressive
  • Kemper
  • Allied Insurance
  • MetLife
  • Safeco Insurance
  • State Auto
  • Travelers

These companies have a long record of customer satisfaction, excellent coverage policies, and reliable service in Minnesota. Only the highest standards in service will provide the best insurance to our customers who are looking for peace of mind concerning the vehicles that mean so much to them. Here in the Wayzata, MN community, we are proud of our relationship with the people and businesses that have built today’s neighborhoods. We want everyone to be safe on the roads and smart in their insurance, just in case.

Make The Change Now

If you’re a new car owner then you might have a lot of questions. Come in and discuss them with us at Pizano Insurance. If you’re an experienced car owner and need to know what kinds of policies are out there that might serve you better than what you already have, then call or visit today. Let us be the Minnesota insurance authority that leads to your dream insurance coverage.  


Will Your Auto Insurance Repair or Replace Your Damaged Vehicle

In Wayzata, MN, many people assume their regular auto insurance will repair or replace their damaged vehicle after an accident. In truth, your insurance can repair or replace your vehicle, but you need the proper insurance options for that to happen. Pizano Insurance offers the right choices.

What Basic Insurance Does and Does Not Cover in Minnesota

In Minnesota, required auto insurance coverage includes:

Personal Insurance Protection (PIP) – Covers some medical expenses and lost wages to someone injured after an accident.

Liability – Covers bodily injury and property damage from an accident if you’re at fault. Note the injury and damage coverage applies to others, not you. Liability also helps with lawsuits against you.

Uninsured and Underinsured – Protection when accidents occur with someone with no insurance or not enough insurance to cover damages.

While these minimum requirements help, you may notice they include nothing about fixing or replacing your damaged vehicle after an accident.

Which Insurance Options Cover Vehicle Damage Specifically

For more robust protection and the ability to repair or replace your vehicle after an accident, you need two additional forms of coverage:

Comprehensive – When damage to your vehicle occurs outside of a normal car accident, comprehensive coverage can pay for repairs to your car. For example, damage from theft, fire, animals, or anything else fall under comprehensive coverage.

Collision – If your car takes on damage from a collision with another vehicle, collision coverage can repair it.

As these are optional coverage choices in Wayzata, MN, it’s important you know if your policy includes them or not. Don’t wait until an accident occurs before you find out. In addition, the amount of collision or comprehensive coverage you have will dictate how much the insurance company can pay out for repairs or replacement.

Pizano Insurance offers collision, comprehensive, and other important auto insurance options. Contact us today to learn which auto insurance options will work for your specific situation. 

What to Look for in Auto Insurance?

Car insurance shopping is easier than ever before, yet many people don’t understand what to look for when choosing a policy. Car insurance is not one size fits all and  it is important to shop around to ensure you pick a policy that can meet your driving needs and as well as your budget, all the while keeping you fully protected. Here at Pizano Insurance serving Wayzata, MN, we want to make sure everyone is safe on the road and we took the time to put together a helpful go-to guide outlining some of the things you should keep in mind when shopping for auto insurance.

Everything You Need to Look for in Auto Insurance

First, you need to know your state’s car insurance minimum requirements. While you may be tempted to take on the minimum coverage to a few dollars, it may not be to your benefit if you’re involved in an accident and find yourself stuck with the responsibility of paying for injuries and damages. 

You’ll also need to take into account how much coverage you really need. Here are a few things to consider when determining the best type of policy to purchase:

1. Where you drive, how much, and how far.

2. Whether you own or finance your car.

3. Whether you drive for personal reasons or business, or both.

4. Who do you allow to drive your car; just yourself or other people, such as family members.

It’s also helpful to get a better understanding of insurance lingo so you know what your policy provides you with. Speaking with an insurance agent is the best way to get a good understanding of exactly everything your policy provides. He or she can also explain any discounts you qualify for.

Contact Us Today

To learn more about auto insurance, contact Pizano Insurance serving the Wayzata, MN area. 

4 Things to Know About Your Auto Insurance

When it comes to getting auto insurance in and around Albertville, MN, Pizano Insurance can help. They can also advise you about the best policy to choose from for your needs, so you can have good protection for your car along with peace of mind. But before you buy a policy, make sure you talk with your agent so you can make an informed decision. Here are four of the things you should know about your car insurance.

1. Policies should be reviewed periodically

Because driving needs change, it’s a good idea to go over your policy with your agent every six months or a year.

2. Different states have different minimum requirements

If you move from one state to another, what you’re required to have for auto insurance could change.

3. Not all vehicles need more than minimum coverage – but it’s still a good idea

If your car is paid for you don’t need comprehensive or collision, but if the vehicle has value it’s still a good idea to keep those coverages.

4. comparing prices should include comparing value, too

The cheapest car insurance may not be what’s right for you, and paying a little more could mean getting a lot higher value in the long run.

With a good insurance agent to help you, it’s not difficult to get a quality auto insurance policy for a fair price. That’s ultimately what you want to work toward because the lowest price isn’t always the best choice. Instead, you want a policy that’s really going to protect your investment. By trusting your Albertville, MN area car to Pizano Insurance, you can get the help and support you need to choose the right policy for your vehicle and driving needs.

Do I Need Car Insurance Above the Required Liability Coverage?

We all know that most require us to carry minimum liability insurance on our vehicles.  That’s the law so we get the minimum and consider ourselves sufficiently covered.  That may not entirely be the truth.  First, understand that liability insurance covers the cost of repairs to the other person’s vehicle if you are deemed to be at fault.  Bodily injury and property damage are the two areas covered by liability insurance.  These policies will provide funding for medical expenses and damage caused by an accident where you are liable.  It should be made clear that a minimum liability coverage will provide no monies to cover your own vehicle repairs and medical costs in an accident where you are deemed responsible.  The agents at Pizano Insurance, serving the Wayzata, MN and Albertville, MN areas, can talk with you about what your policy really covers. 

If you are leasing or financing a vehicle, the lender may require that you carry additional insurance protection.  Many lenders require collision and/or comprehensive coverage policies.  This protects their financial interest in the vehicle until the debt is paid off.  Even if you own your vehicle, you should consider the financial protection these more encompassing policies can offer you.  With you will pay a higher premium each period, if you are in an accident, you have a higher level of safety.

From home to auto or commercial insurance needs, the team at Pizano Insurance serves the needs of the Wayzata and Albertville, MN areas.  They can help ensure that you have adequate insurance coverage based on your current needs.  Periodically, you can have your agent review your policy should your lifestyle or needs change.  Visit their website then visit their office for the coverage you need.