Auto Accident Insurance Coverage Minnesota

Minnesota’s snowy winters make accident protection a must. Auto accident insurance coverage is a must for drivers in the state.

In the event of an accident, a full-coverage automobile insurance policy will offset attendant costs to a collision such as medical bills and subsequent wage loss associated with physical injury. Drivers in cold weather states like Minnesota are of keen interest to insurers, as road collisions and auto related accidents from winter road conditions result in dis-proportionality higher than average insurance payouts than the national average. Minnesota drivers have three basic policy options to meet state minimum mandates for auto insurance.

1. Auto Liability Coverage

The most basic coverage for a driver in Minnesota, auto liability insurance agreements protects vehicle assets in case that an auto accident is an insured’s fault. A minimum of $30,000 for single person injury, and $60,000 for injuries to multiple parties, as well as $10,000 for damage to an insured’s vehicle, is required.

2. Personal Injury No-Fault Coverage

Coverage for hospitalization and wage reimbursement is available to an insured driver before a lawsuit. In Minnesota, a driver must carry a minimum of $40,000 in coverage insurance to meet the criteria to ‘no-fault’ coverage. Per-person coverage for an accident is $20,000 in medical care expense offsets and $20,000 for non-medical expenses such as lost wages following an injury sustained from an auto accident.

3. Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Compensation for driver injuries post-accident, where the culpability is another driver with no insurance or limited insurance, is provided by an uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage agreement.  Minnesota auto insurance policy minimum for this type of coverage is $25,000 for injury to a single person and $50,000 for injuries to multiple parties.

For auto accident coverage in Wayzata, MN, contact an insurance broker.

Trimming Back Trees and Hedges Improve Your Home Security

With winter rapidly approaching around Wayzata, MN, most of your yard work is done for the year. However, now is a good time to take a look at those oversized shrubs in front of your house and trim any overgrown trees down to size.

Can You See Your Doors and Windows From the Road?

During the warm months, have you admired all the trees and hedges in front of your home? If you couldn’t see the doors or windows through all the leaves, that means you can’t see a home invader working away at locks and windows, either. By removing large landscaping from around points of entry, you improve the security of your home.

Check the Power Lines to Your Home

Blizzard winds will be howling soon. Did that tree near the house finally get big enough to be hanging over your cable, phone and electric lines running to your house? You can prevent loss of power in a storm by having those trees trimmed back now. The utility companies may take care of the ones on the street, but not on your property. Call in a professional now.

Are Your Trees Healthy?

Sometimes we like the tree that grew with a natural V in the trunk. However, that means when it grows large enough, it is susceptible to coming down in a storm–possibly damaging your siding or roof. With all the leaves down, it’s a good time to have sick, rotting and unsafe trees identified and removed from your property.

Good property maintenance isn’t just about keeping up appearances; it’s also about protecting your most valuable asset and your family.  Give your Wayzata, MN area home a good winterizing review and catch up on those forgotten chores.

Safety Hazards to Avoid During the Winter

Winter can be a beautiful time of year when you consider the coziness of relaxing by the fireplace with a good book or the beauty of the freshly falling snow. This time of year can also be filled with safety hazards, but many of those can be avoided if you know how to be prepared and react properly. Here are some tips for you, courtesy of Pizano Insurance serving Wayzata, MN.

Outdoor aspects

Outside the home is a common place for people to run into – sometimes quite literally – safety hazards during the winter. Watch out for ice and snow that becomes a safety hazard, especially on steps and walkways surrounding your home. Promptly clear snow and ice from all around the exterior of your home using tools like shovels and snow blowers. You will be helping to keep your family and all guests to your home safe.

Decorative and comfort items

It is very common for people to decorate their homes and make them look and feel relaxing and inviting during the winter. But just make sure you are doing so in a safe way. Be aware of safety issues with things like Christmas decorations, fireplaces, and other household decorative items. Follow all instructions that come with these items.

Heating helps

Everyone wants to stay comfortably warm when it is cold outside, but maintaining that level of comfort should not come at the risk of safety. Be cautious when using items like space heaters, making sure to follow all instructions that come with appliances like this.

Pizano Insurance, serving Wayzata, MN wants you and your loved ones to stay safe and healthy during the wintry months of the year. Following these suggestions to help you achieve just that, and contact us if you need additional safety information.

How Your State Department of Insurance Can Help You

Got questions about Pizano Insurance serving Wayzata, Minnesota? Tap into a resource that you help fund as a taxpayer, it’s right at your fingertips. Each state has a department of insurance that may have just the answers that you are looking for.

What is a Department of Insurance?

Pizano Insurance serving Wayzata, Minnesota-along with all insurance companies-is regulated at the state level for the protection of consumers. The department of insurance handles many different areas of service, inclusive of, but not limited to: information on licensing and filing for insurance companies, consumer assistance for many different types of insurance, energy data and reports, education, tips and tools about your money, and complaint resolution.

Your Home

With so many options to choose from for insurance coverage-it’s comforting to know that there are experts available with the information that consumers need to protect their home and what to do in case of damage or loss. Depending on a homeowner or renter’s needs- Commerce guides you to explore your policy annually offering a checklist to bring more comfort.  

Your Vehicle

Auto insurance is required by law, but do you understand how auto insurance in MN works? Commerce is there to help you understand the insurance basics and what you need to do to file a claim. Sign up for consumer protection e-mail updates.

Your Health

Get questions answered about health insurance, life & annuities, and long-term care insurance that will help you choose your insurance company.

Your Money

“Protecting and informing consumers is an important part of the work we do every day at the Minnesota Department of Commerce.”

Minnesotans are provided information and assistance through the Consumer Services Center which will help you choose the insurance company that would best meet your needs of protection. Got a question? Can’t resolve a dispute? Contact Commerce by phone or email.

3 times when you need umbrella insurance

Umbrella insurance isn’t a commonly talked about type of insurance, but it is one of the most important investments a business owner can make.  Umbrella insurance covers businesses when other types of coverage just won’t pay for damages.  In fact umbrella insurance comes in handy for these type of situations.

  1. Sale losses from a natural disaster.  While your building, equipment, and vehicles are protected by other insurance policies, there is nothing that can reimburse you for lost sales that happen during a natural disaster.  Umbrella insurance policies can be written to provide you some funds to make up for the lack of business.
  2. Product recalls. It can be next to impossible to predict when a bad shipment of a raw material or a minor design flaw could cause major problems with a product. If a product has to be recalled, your business has to absorb the cost.  Umbrella insurance will reimburse you for these expenses.
  3. Customer lawsuits. Getting sued by a former customer or client can be one of the most stressful things that your business has to go through. Fortunately, an umbrella insurance policy can help in a number of ways. The policy can provide funds for legal counsel or in some cases provide a lawyer to you.  Once the case is resolved, an umbrella policy can provide funds to pay the settlement.

Umbrella insurance is one of the most useful coverage that a small business can have.  If you’re interested in buying a policy, contact the insurance agents at Pizano Insurance.  They have years of experience helping business owners write umbrella policies that meet their specific needs.

Wayzata, MN: How Much Insurance Should You Carry on Your Boat?

A boat can be a valuable investment. Protecting it with adequate insurance coverage is the key to protecting that investment and preventing financial loss. The amount of boat insurance you will need depends on several different factors. If you have purchased the boat with the help of a lender, you must insure the boat to cover the cost of the loan. It is also important to know what requirements each state demands when purchasing insurance. Most states have minimum liability amounts that must be covered with by an insurance policy.

If you own the boat outright, the amount of insurance you purchase may only be to cover the minimum liability amounts required for the state. This type of insurance is similar to the PL/PD policies that many people carry on their cars once they have been paid off. These policies do not pay for the damage to the boat, but will cover damage caused to other boats and property if their is an accident. Talking to a licensed insurance agent about how much insurance is usually needed and will help you make a choice as to how much insurance should be purchased.

In Wayzata, MN, residents can turn to the agents of Pizano Insurance if they have questions about boat insurance and how much is needed to fully protect your interests. They will be able to help you find the right policy to adequately insure your boat, against damage, theft, and vandalism. The agents are can help you evaluate the type of insurance you need and may be able to offer discounts if other types of policies are purchased.

Why you Need Motorcycle Insurance in Wayzata, MN

There are few things better than riding a motorcycle on the open road in America, but it’s a dangerous proposition both personally and financially without the right amount of insurance for your bike. So if you live in a place like Wayzata, Minnesota, where there is plenty of scenery with roads that are perfect for riding a motorcycle, setting up the correct insurance policy for your bike with a local agency like Pizano Insurance—who serves the greater Wayzata, MN area—can be the difference between a smooth recovery from an accident or a financial hardship and a lot of medical bills. Below are some tips for what type of motorcycle insurance coverage you should definitely have when riding in this region of the country.


As motorcycle riders are much more prone to being in an accident percentage-wise and that these accidents often cause serious injuries or worse, having a robust policy on your motorcycle insurance to cover all your possible future medical bills is key. The last thing you want to have happen is to get out of the hospital after an intense and miraculous recovery only to be faced with a medical bill that will destroy your future earning potential for years to come.


Minnesota is known for having relatively increment weather, so it’s important there is something on your motorcycle insurance policy that cover something like that. Be it damage to the bike itself from the weather or something that will cover you in the event of an accident in the icy or rainy conditions you will face in Minnesota, just make sure you have something.


You will want to make sure your bike can be paid for and repaired as well in the event of an accident. Make sure the value of the bike is insured completely before taking out a motorcycle insurance policy.

Three Factors to Consider When Purchasing Umbrella Insurance

Being underinsured puts your financial future in jeopardy. In the event of an accident at your home, if your liability exceeds your policy’s limits, you risk losing your assets in a civil suit. The right level of umbrella insurance may fill this gap and keep you protected.

Current Coverage

It’s hard to assess your need without knowing what you have. Evaluate your policy with a focus on coverage limits. Take a homeowner with a $100,000 personal liability limit, for instance. During a typical Minnesota winter their sidewalk is covered with ice, resulting in a friend slipping and falling. If their injuries require extensive medical treatment, liability could easily exceed this maximum.  Use current coverage amounts as a baseline to build from.


What’s the value of your assets, including retirement and stock accounts? The more you’re worth, the more coverage necessary. Secure umbrella coverage that closely compares to your assets and your future projections. For instance, if your retirement account will increase by 15% in two years, in a lawsuit, this increase could be targeted. The purpose of an umbrella policy is to safeguard your financial future. Choose a policy suited to meet this need.


The type of risks a homeowner faces offers an idea of how much coverage is necessary. Homes with pools, trampolines or owners of aggressive dog breeds are thought to be at an elevated accident risk. An increased accident risk can inherently elevate your chances of a liability suit. In some instances, the basic liability coverage extended in polices may not be enough to cover losses. The greater the risks, the more coverage necessary.

Choosing a coverage amount can be a challenge, but an experienced agent can help. Visit the Pizano Insurance website to be connected with an agent who can assist you.


It’s Boat Season: A Checklist to Make Sure Yours is Ready

Spring has officially sprung, which means summer is right around the corner, so it’s time to think about getting your boat ready for the season. You don’t want to risk taking the boat out on the water and risk something happening you, your passengers or the boat, so the following checklist will help you ensure it is in tip-top condition before you head out to the water.

Electrical Connections
Carefully check all of the electrical connections to make sure they are clean and tight. Check for corrosion, which may be sign of an unsafe connection. Remove the terminals and clean the cable ends and connections with a wire brush. Charge the battery and make sure to test it to ensure it is holding a charge. It is highly recommended that you have the electrical systems inspected by a qualified technician.

Cables, Hoses & Belts
Check control cables for swelling or cracks on the outer layer and replace them if needed. Cables can be easily replaced by a boat repair center or you can order the cables to replace them yourself. Always check the hoses for any cracking that may have occurred during winter storage. The belts should fit tightly around the pulleys to prevent the risk of slipping. Belts that are worn typically have a black substance near the pulley and/or they may have a lose fit.

Fluid Levels
Check all of the fluid levels, including:

  • Coolant
  • Power steering fluid
  • Power trim reservoir
  • Engine oil-if the oil was not changed during winterizing, make sure to change the oil, replace the filter and change the drive lubricants.

Inspect the fuel lines for damage. Typical signs of damaged hoses include cracking, or hoses that are hard or extra soft. Remember to check the connections and the tank surfaces. Make sure the clamps and fittings are secure.

Along with the above checklist, it is also important to make sure you check the safety gear to ensure all life jackets are in good condition and that you have various sizes to accommodate all passengers. The onboard fire extinguisher must be the correct class for your boat and fully charged. It is also important to ensure your trailer is in good condition, so inspect the wheels and check the trailer straps to make sure they are not worn.

One of the most important things for Wayzata, MN residents should have on their boat checklist is insurance. Make sure to contact Pizano Insurance to check on your current boat policy or to start a new boat policy.

Who Needs Commercial Insurance and Why?

When it comes to owning a business things like insurance tend to be the last thing you consider. This, however, does not have to be the case if you talk with the talented agents at Pizano Insurance in Wayzata, MN. Agents can help place you with a policy that is going to work for you and that is going to keep your business covered from start to finish.

Put quite simply those that need commercial insurance are people that own businesses. Commercial insurance of all types was created to help protect the business interest of those that hold it. This means that in the event of an accident, your business cannot be taken from you because you have insurance policies in place to help cover these accidents and eventualities.

People that need commercial insurance are those individuals that have some sort of business in their possession that would need to be protected in the event of an accident. A good example of this is property insurance .This will help to protect and replace property in the event that it is damaged or destroyed.

Other types of commercial insurance help to cover things like theft, damage by fire and water, natural disasters, someone getting hurt on your property, someone getting injured by a car that belongs to your company and so on. If you believe that you need commercial insurance it is always helpful to speak with an agent that has experience with this type of policy. They can tell you just what coverage you need, what coverage is going to benefit you, and what level of coverage you need to legally stay in operation as well. Commercial insurance is a must and finding a great policy is the icing on the cake.