How Often Should You Review Your Home Insurance Policy?

For homeowners in the Wayzata, MN, area, Pizano Insurance is pleased to provide a no-cost, no-obligation home insurance review at any time.

But how often is getting a homeowner’s insurance review enough?

Most Forgotten Insurance

For many people, their home insurance is the most forgotten and neglected of all their personal insurance policies. There are several reasons for this. Once it is purchased, it is often filed away. Some folks may not even recall their coverage limits or what they are paying. This can be problematic. Coverage may not be keeping up, and gaps may occur in coverage. A homeowner’s insurance policy review can uncover potential issues.

Why Home Insurance is Easy to Neglect

Home insurance can be easily forgotten for several reasons. Many people include insurance payments with their property taxes and pay them through escrow. Some homeowners purchase insurance when they buy their homes and don’t review it again. Others pay premiums through autopay and pay little attention. The fact is, homeowners insurance policies aren’t reviewed often enough.

We Can Help

Contact us at Pizano Insurance for a review of the home insurance on your Wayzata, MN, area house. If it has been a year or two, or you can’t remember the last time you’ve had a review, reach out to us. There is no obligation, and you can get a free quote. A homeowners insurance review can provide peace of mind.

Do not wait for a claim to see if you are protected. Find out today with a homeowner’s insurance review from Pizano Insurance.