Don’t Get Left Out in the Cold – Protect Your Ride with Minnesota Auto Insurance!

Why Minnesota Auto Insurance Matters

Wondering why you need auto insurance in Minnesota?

Protection from Weather Woes

Minnesota is notorious for harsh winters that bring heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures that inevitably lead to icy roads — and car accidents. 

Drivers can protect themselves from harsh winter driving hazards with auto insurance. Our team of experienced agents at Pizano Insurance in Wayzata, MN is eager to help! 

Legal Requirements

Failing to have the minimum coverage required to protect against liability and personal injury claims can result in serious legal consequences, including hefty out-of-pocket expenses, traffic fines, and even the suspension of your driver’s license. 

Uninsured Motorist Protections 

Protect your vehicle and passengers from uninsured motorists who drive without enough insurance to cover the cost of property damages or personal injury in the event of a severe car accident.  

Our agents understand the needs of Minnesota drivers and can help you tailor an auto insurance policy that addresses the unique driving challenges of our state. 

Pizano’s licensed auto insurance team is committed to providing top-notch customer service. You can trust our knowledgeable agents to seamlessly guide you through the insurance process.  

Don’t Leave Vehicle Protection to Chance During Harsh Minnesota Winters

Temperatures are rising, and leaves are falling from trees, meaning winter is just around the corner. Be Proactive! Talk to a licensed agent with local expertise and knowledge so that you can hit the road with confidence this winter.

Stay safe and warm when driving on Minnesota’s icy roads this winter. Contact Pizano Insurance in Wayzata, MN, for your free auto insurance quote today! 

Four things you might not know about your auto insurance policy

Motorists in Wayzata, MN need to ensure they’re fully informed about their auto insurance policy details. We sell auto insurance to motorists at Pizano Insurance, and we’re happy to answer any questions our customers have regarding their policy.

The following are four things you might not know about your auto insurance policy. 

The amount you have to pay as a deductible if you file a claim

The deductible on your policy is one of the most important details you should be aware of. If you file a claim on your policy, you’ll have to pay a deductible.

It’s vital that you plan ahead and have at least this much money set aside in emergency savings so that you can pay your deductible when you need to. 

The types of coverage your policy includes

When you buy auto insurance, your policy can include liability, collision, comprehensive, and a few additional coverage types. Look over your options regarding coverage types and choose the types of coverage you want and need. 

The length of your policy term

Auto insurance policies are typically sold as 6-month or 12-month policies. Make sure you know when your policy term will end so that you need to renew coverage. 

The process you have to go through to file a claim

Most auto insurance providers allow claims to be filed by phone or online. However, you need to specifically check claim instructions when you buy a policy so that you know how the process works. 

At Pizano Insurance, we know how important it is for consumers to be adequately informed about their policy details. If you own a vehicle in Wayzata, MN, you can insure it with our assistance. Contact us now to get a quote on an auto insurance policy. 

When Disaster Strikes: How Home Insurance Can Help You Rebuild and Recover

When disaster strikes, the peace of mind that comes with a home insurance policy is immeasurable. Pizano Insurance is committed to providing our neighbors in Wayzata, MN with the home insurance needed to recover if disaster strikes. Storms, fires, or unforeseen events can cause significant damage, often requiring extensive and costly repairs. This is where home insurance becomes your safety net.

Replacing Personal Belongings

A home insurance policy will not only cover the structural repairs or rebuilding costs but also replace personal belongings that may have been lost or damaged. Actual Cash Value replacement includes the cost of the home’s materials and the cost of rebuilding, minus depreciation. If your ten-year-old sofa is damaged, you’ll be paid for the value of a ten-year-old couch, not a new one.

Another option is Replacement Cost coverage. This policy covers the actual expense of replacing your home or belongings without deducting for depreciation. In other words, if your ten-year-old sofa is damaged, you’ll be given enough to buy a comparable sofa. It’s a more comprehensive coverage, providing a broader safety net in the unfortunate event of a disaster.

Additional Living Expenses (ALE)

Finally, additional living expenses (ALE) coverage is another critical component of homeowner’s insurance. A disaster can make you temporarily homeless, but ALE coverage helps cover the cost of temporary housing and additional living costs while your home is being repaired or rebuilt.

In essence, home insurance coverage offers a comprehensive solution to homeowners in Wayzata, MN, facilitating their journey to recovery post-disaster. While certain catastrophic events may not be covered under a standard policy, Pizano Insurance agents are ready to help you understand and acquire the additional coverage you might need.

When Should You Update Your Homeowner’s Policy

You know you need homeowner’s insurance, but you may not know that you need to update your policy regularly. At Pizano Insurance in Wayzata, MN, we offer homeowner’s insurance to protect your investment. 

Increasing Your Home’s Value

If you’ve recently added an addition to your home or completed a significant renovation, you should update your homeowner’s policy. These things increase the value of your home. Since your home is worth more, you may need to increase your coverage limit. 

Changes to the People in Your Household

You should update your policy if you’ve recently added a new family member or someone has moved out. Family members are covered under your policy, so your insurance provider needs to know who is living in the household. 

Purchasing or Selling Valuables

Have you recently purchased the diamond necklace you’ve dreamed of for years? Perhaps you recently sold an expensive antique. These situations mean that you need to speak to your insurance agent. 

If you get a new valuable item, you’ll need to inform the insurance company to ensure it is covered. You may need a rider if the item is costly. 

If you’ve recently parted with a valuable, your insurance company also needs to know this. Otherwise, you may be paying for coverage you no longer need. 

Starting a Home Based Business 

If you’ve recently begun a home-based business, you need to speak to your insurance provider. Most homeowners’ policies have minimal coverage for business equipment. You may need to upgrade your policy or choose a small business policy to be adequately covered. 

Homeowners Insurance with Pizano Insurance

If you need homeowner’s insurance or need to upgrade your current policy in Wayzata, MN, contact us at Pizano Insurance. Our knowledgeable agents help you choose the best coverage for your needs. 

How Comprehensive Auto Insurance Saves You in the Long Run

Here at Pizano Insurance, our team gets excited about auto insurance packages! After all, most love to do the latter when paying a monthly auto insurance premium or spending that money on a fun date night out. Yet, while auto insurance isn’t the most fun thing, it does offer some incredible financial and legal protection that can save you a lot of headaches down the line. This is especially true if you invest in a quality comprehensive auto insurance policy for your Wayzata, MN vehicle. 

Comprehensive auto insurance is an optional type of insurance policy that steps in and pays out in just about any accident that is non-collision related. While it does require paying more upfront or monthly premium amounts, it can often save you significantly in the long run. 

How Comprehensive Auto Insurance Saves You in the Long Run

Comprehensive auto insurance kicks in in the event of just about any non-collision-related accident. Consider if your vehicle was stolen and the thieves destroyed your interior. Your comprehensive auto insurance policy will cover the costs of reclaiming and cleaning your vehicle. If your vehicle is never found, then comprehensive insurance will reimburse you for the vehicle itself. This same thing goes if your vehicle is damaged or destroyed in other non-collision events like natural disasters and even collisions with animals like deer. Animal collisions and weather-related damage, such as from hailstorms, are two of the more common threats you’ll have as a Wayzata, MN, and greater Minnesota driver. The costs to otherwise repair following such events can be prohibitively expensive without insurance and risk severely devaluing the vehicle’s resale price. 

Contact Our Team at Pizano Insurance to Learn More

Isn’t it time to update your insurance policy with one that covers it all? Contact our team at Pizano Insurance to learn more about comprehensive auto insurance policies.

Understanding Home Insurance Basics: Protecting Your Home is Crucial

Your home is not only one of the most critical investments but also your safe space, your haven in Wayzata, MN. This is where you should feel safe and sound, but accidents happen, and unexpected events can take a toll on your home and belongings. Pizano Insurance explores home insurance basics, coverage types, and essential terms such as premiums, deductibles, and policy limits.

Home insurance gives you peace of mind that your home and personal belongings are protected. There are different types of home insurance policies, but most policies cover four main types of coverage: dwelling, personal property, liability, and additional living expenses.

Home insurance has two types of coverage: dwelling and personal property. Dwelling coverage protects the structure of your home, including walls, roof, floors, and other integrated structures. In contrast, personal property coverage covers the items inside your home, like furniture, clothes, electronics, and appliances. Liability coverage protects in case of injury to visitors in your home or damage caused by you or your family members to someone else’s property.

Finally, additional living expenses are covered if you are forced to leave your home temporarily because of losses due to covered damages. This coverage includes the cost of living somewhere else, such as a hotel or an apartment, while your home is being repaired.

Understanding home insurance is crucial for protecting your home in Wayzata, MN. A home insurance policy offers four main types of coverage: dwelling, personal property, liability, and additional living expenses. Knowing the difference between premiums, deductibles, and policy limits can help you choose the right policy for your needs. Contact Pizano Insurance to ensure you have the proper peace of mind and protection against accidents at home.

How Does No-Fault Auto Insurance Work?

If you live in or near Wayzata, MN, you may already be aware that Minnesota is one of just twelve states with a no-fault insurance system. But what does that mean for you as a driver and auto insurance policyholder?

At Pizano Insurance, we’ll be happy to review your policy with you and answer all your questions. But in the meantime, check out the following information on how no-fault insurance works in Minnesota.

What Is a No-Fault Insurance System?

The average person assumes that if they ever get into an auto accident, then the party at fault (along with their insurance provider) will automatically have to cover any injuries or damages. And you’d be right if you didn’t live in one of the few states that operates on a no-fault system.

But in no-fault states like Minnesota, your insurance provider covers your damages, whether the other party was at fault. Occasionally, extenuating circumstances may find one driver eventually looking at personal injury claims payable by the other’s insurance company, but that’s not how things typically go.

How Much Auto Insurance Do Minnesota Drivers Need?

By law, every driver in Minnesota must carry four different types of auto insurance to stay in compliance with the law.

  • Standard liability coverage, as you would need in any state
  • No-fault coverage (also sometimes called personal injury protection or PIP)
  • Uninsured driver coverage
  • Underinsured driver coverage

Together, those four types of protection cover you in the event of most possibilities. But your PIP will be what covers damages like medical bills, lost wages, and any replacement Wayzata, MN transportation that may be necessary while your damaged car is out of service.

Even so, it’s important not to assume that one insurance policy is as good as another. If you have questions about your plan or are in the market for a new one, call us at Pizano Insurance, and let us take the guesswork out of choosing!

Do You Have Termites?

As a homeowner, few pests are more feared than termites. This particular insect can cause damage to your home and eventually cost you a lot of money. Here at Pizano Insurance, serving Wayzata, MN, and the surrounding areas, we want to help clients learn better ways to protect their homes. Keep reading to learn more about termites. 

Termites In The Area

One of the first signs will be flying swarms of termites in the area around your home or even in your neighborhood. Do some research so that you know how to identify swarming termites properly. They are often seen coming out of the soil or out of wood. Termites in your area immediately put your home at risk. 

Damaged Wood 

If termites have already started infesting your home, you will notice damaged wood. This will often happen first in exterior locations such as decks and porches. Even if you begin to notice damage, you still have time to deal with the infestation. However, keep in mind that you need to act quickly when it comes to termites. Termite colonies multiply quickly, especially when they have found an excellent place to nest and feed. 


It would be best to have your home inspected for termites once a year to avoid an infestation. If an infestation has already started, you need to contact a professional pest control expert immediately to have your home inspected and treated. A termite infestation can be controlled in most cases, but you must not waste time. 

If you would like to learn about home insurance or any of our other insurance products, please contact us at Pizano Insurance, serving Wayzata, MN, and the surrounding areas. We will be happy to answer your questions.  

Tips For Driving In The Rain

Spring and summer weather is here. With the sunny days ahead, we must also remember the rainy season. More specifically, as drivers, it’s important to remember best practices for driving in the rain. At Pizano Insurance, we would like to help drivers like the ones in Wayzata, MN stay safe on the road in the coming weeks. Here are a few tips to remember if you’re driving in the rain.

Slow Down

As the roads get more slippery, it makes sense to slow down. Many accidents happen on highways because other people are driving too fast. It may be hard to stop when braking the vehicle in the rain. Therefore, it’s important to slow down and give yourself more time to react if there is an accident ahead.

Use Your Lights

Always remember to turn your headlights on when it starts raining or even on a cloudy day. Visibility is a significant factor in accidents when you’re driving. If it starts to downpour, pull over to the side of the highway and consider turning on your emergency lights. Other vehicles can also see you if they decide to go on the shoulder.

Don’t Panic

If your car does start to hydroplane, don’t panic. One common mistake is to slam on your brakes immediately. This will only make the car slide out of control. Instead, steer in the direction you want the car to go and gradually use your brakes. When in doubt, don’t attempt to drive in poor conditions and wait if possible.

Conact Pizano Insurance

We provide cities like Wayzata, MN with comprehensive auto insurance policies. Do you need an estimate for an insurance policy for your vehicle? Don’t hesitate to contact us today. In the meantime, stay safe on the rainy roads this season. 

Understanding When Add-Ons to Your Home Insurance Policy are Necessary

Homeowners’ insurance policies don’t always offer the complete coverage your home needs. But you may have additional concerns you’ll need to manage with add-ons. Before you make any changes to your setup, you must understand when add-ons are necessary.

Consider Your Home’s Unique Needs

Take into consideration the potential risks that your home poses. Basements are a common source of concern, as they are either a continuation of your living space or often used for storage, and they are also a common place for flooding. 

Understand Potential Risks

Ensure your homeowners’ insurance includes flood damage, and, if necessary, use it as an add-on. Nobody plans for their home to flood, but that doesn’t stop it from happening. Therefore, taking precautions is crucial. 

Where are your utility lines located? If they’re underground, you’ll be held responsible if any damage occurs to them on your property. Issues caused by the age of the lines and even tree roots can lead to expensive problems that your homeowners’ policy might not cover. 

Over time, roofs become damaged and often need to be partially or fully replaced. Inclement weather and age are the biggest culprits. If you need your roof restored, you also might face that your insurance doesn’t cover matching, meaning that you will be left with mismatched sections if a perfect match for the materials isn’t available. 

Expert Guidance with Pizano Insurance 

At Pizano Insurance in Wayzata, MN, we know how stressful picking the best plan for your home can be. You have to make many considerations, and navigating it alone is overwhelming. That’s why we put our clients first, focusing on your needs so you can feel at ease.

To learn more about add-ons to your policy, call Pizano Insurance in Wayzata, MN at (763) 219-4114.