Tips to Help Prevent Frozen Pipes This Winter

The winters in Wayzata, MN, and the surrounding areas, can be harsh. Unfortunately, freezing temperatures can wreak havoc on many things, including your pipes. Here at Pizano Insurance, we encounter homeowners who have had their pipes burst in the winter due to cold weather. A burst pipe can be expensive to fix and cause costly water damage. You want to do everything possible to prevent your pipes from freezing. Here are a few tips to help you do just that. 

Get Your Pipes Cleaned Before Winter

One of the best ways to prevent frozen pipes this winter is to get your pipes cleaned before winter. Debris and residue in pipes can slow the flow of water through the pipes. This can increase the chances of water becoming cold and freezing. 

Keep Water Running Through the Lines

Another tip to help prevent frozen pipes this winter is to keep water running through the pipes on cold days or nights. When you turn on your faucets and allow water to drip through slowly, you ensure water constantly flows through your pipes, helping to prevent them from freezing. 

Leave the Heat Consistently Running in Your Home

Lastly, do not shut off your heater during the winter months. You may be tempted to shut off the heater when you are away at work or away on a trip. However, doing so can lower the temperature in your home and increase the chances of your pipes freezing. 

The above tips can help minimize the chances of your pipes freezing during winter. Still, unfortunately, there is no surefire way to prevent this problem from occurring altogether. As such, you must have excellent home insurance if a pipe does freeze and your home floods. The team at Pizano Insurance, serving the greater Wayzata, MN area, can help you with your home insurance needs. Reach out to us now to learn more.